Welcome to Freedom




Hello my Friend,

Seven years ago, we opened both our hearts and the door of our home to men, ministers, and marriages shipwrecked by porn and infidelity.

Since then, I have walked more than a thousand men and ministers out of sexual brokenness through personal coaching and our Katharos program.

Many of these men and their spouses are ministered to in the safety and warmth of our home. When crisis comes, we believe it is our mission to respond with availability and spiritual care.

However, the time has come to be fully prepared to attend to the wounded in the church.

House of Resurrection is an emergency room for the Body of Christ.

To my knowledge, there has never been anything like this. Its purpose and possibilities will be truly groundbreaking.

For more information, scroll below or visit www.houseofresurrection.life.


/ A House for Ministers to be Restored.

The life of a Pastor isn’t an easy one.

Work never ends at 5pm. The responsibilities are endless. And often overwhelming.

Over one thousand pastors are currently leaving the ministry each month. Over 60% struggle with pornography. Thousands are being lost to affairs and infidelity. And the depression rate among pastors is double the national average.

House of Resurrection is a sacred retreat for worn and weary Shepherds… helping pastors and their spouses recover the pure joy of Jesus in their lives.

// A House for Men to Find Freedom.

Pornography has become the deadliest killer in the American church today. Like carbon monoxide, it stalks like an invisible enemy, always in shadows and secrecy until — another life, another marriage, another minister — is taken out.

Porn is currently the number one factor for divorce in Christian marriages. It is the gateway drug to affairs and infidelity.

House of Resurrection is a residential ministry center for men bound by porn and sexual lust.

// A House for Marriages to be Healed.

In the last seven years, Blaine and Lori have seen profound healing and restoration come to multiplied marriages through their coaching work.

Sociologist Steven Stack of Wayne State University recently revealed a study that shows when a spouse starts viewing porn, the probability of divorce instantly triples. This is largely because the wife is often left alone in her feelings of anger and betrayal.

House of Resurrection provides immersive and residential ministry for Christian couples in crisis.

The Jesus way still works.


Jesus didn’t change the world by filling a Roman Coliseum.

He gathered twelve imperfect human beings.

He welcomed them into his life. He told them stories of God around the dinner table. He poured water over their dusty feet. He invited them to pick up a cross.

They learned to love and forgive. They encountered healing and resurrection. They became Ambassadors for a brand new Kingdom.

This is House of Resurrection.

Wounded sojourners. Encountering Jesus, and the power of His resurrection.

Because we believe… our world can be changed again.

Three Ways to Partner with House of Resurrection

  • Individual

    One person or family can help House of Resurrection become a reality by sharing your best monthly gift here.

  • Church

    Your local church can make House of Resurrection a part of its monthly mission support here.

  • Corporate

    Your business or organization can become a key donor in the creation of House of Resurrection by sharing a monthly gift here.

Make a one-time gift to House of Resurrection

Your gift of love will be applied completely to the building of the House of Resurrection project. Thank you for helping make this extraordinary new work of Jesus possible!

My Contribution

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